This action finds and selects a matching element given a selector and a text to search for. The following arguments must be given:
- Selector: A selector that selects the elements in which to run the search. Only the matching element, if any, will be selected. A gatherer can also be given, so that it searches on the gathered value instead of on the element's text.
- Search Text: The text to search for. Other than the letter case and leading/trailing spaces, the search text must be an exact match.
It is recommended to import this premade from the Wizard menu, but it can be manually imported by following these instructions, and then replacing the selector placeholder with a selector, and a gatherer if needed:
Code: Select all
function (selector)
function (searchText)
· selector
as value
· "return argument[0].trim().toUpperCase() == argument[1].trim().toUpperCase() ? [argument[0]] : [];"
· list
· value
· searchText
· [selector]
Code: Select all
· "Appliances"
Then, I could reuse it elsewhere from the Wizard menu with a different search text, in order to select any specific category and perhaps navigate through it.